- The Kelvin-Hughes Photographic Display Unit (PDU) -

Three more pictures are displayed here to provide a better idea of the layout of the PDU installation.

This excellent but rather sad picture which was taken by Nick Catford of Subterranea Brittanica fame, shows the chamber below Trimmingham's Operations Room which contained the PDU Kit.

PDU pit at Trimmingham

These black and white pictures were provided by John Higton. The first from a similar viewpoint to the one above shows the tops of the two projectors with the shared second mirror between them. The second shows the excellent little darkroom in which the film was loaded into the large cassettes. A nice little sideline for the fitter was to cut the unexposed 'trailer' film from the PDU cassettes into five foot lengths then load them into the very much smaller cassettes from his friends' cameras.

PDU pit with kitDarkroom











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